
Motorhome dealer who scammed £350k from victims told pay back just £2k

A businesswoman who made nearly £350,000 by ripping off motorhome owners has been ordered to hand back just £2,000 of her ill-gotten gains, the Daily Record reports.

Motorhome dealer, Christine Galloway sold off vehicles belonging to several elderly customers before keeping the profits for herself.

Galloway had made criminal profits of £347,450 through a scam which she carried out over nearly two years, Dundee Sheriff Court heard on Tuesday.

However, fiscal depute Lynn Mannion said the Crown had agreed to accept repayment of just £2,008.75 under proceeds of crime legislation.

Galloway is currently serving a 12-month prison sentence after previously admitting ripping off her customers in a bid to prop up her failing business.

During sentencing, Sheriff Alistair Carmichael told Galloway: “You pled guilty to a serious offence in which you obtained almost £350,000 by fraud over a 21-month period.

“Several victims of the fraud were elderly people who had put their trust in you to act honestly.

“Your business at one time was well-run and respected.

“This consisted of multiple individual frauds over 21 months and your actions were deliberate, calculated and organised.

“To adequately express society’s disapproval and to punish you and deter others there is no alternative but a custodial sentence.

“I will take into account your age, the remorse you’ve shown and your lack of previous convictions.”

Kelly Duling KC, defending, said: “The results have been devastating.

“She was, in a way, robbing Peter to pay Paul. She would like to issue the deepest apologies.

“She will be haunted by it until the day she dies.”

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Paul Simpson August 18, 2023 at 7:43 am

whilst it is good this woman received a custodial sentence, it IS dissappointing that the Sheriff decided she should ONLY pay back £2,000 of her £350,000 ill gains. 😡
WHERE is the JUSTICE for the VICTIM’S. 🤔🤔

Eddie Edwards August 18, 2023 at 8:45 am

Dealers have been scamming their customers for years, faulty vans, poor warranty service, overpriced habitation checks, the list goes on. Buy second hand, it’s the only way not to get scammed.

As for this guy, he should actually get flogged.


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