Kent Downs campaign hopes to boost off-season visitor numbersMike RuffSeptember 25, 2022September 29, 2022 by Mike RuffSeptember 25, 2022September 29, 20220 Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is launching a new campaign on 1st October in a drive to promote Kent Downs as an...
Best forest picnic spots revealedMike RuffApril 1, 2022April 1, 2022 by Mike RuffApril 1, 2022April 1, 20220 As the days lengthen and spring sunshine brings gentle warmth, it’s the perfect time of year to emerge from our winter hibernation, venture outdoors for...
Cheap fuel at Tesco in Sheerness after rat chewed cableMike RuffNovember 11, 2021February 10, 2022 by Mike RuffNovember 11, 2021February 10, 20220 A Tesco petrol station became what’s thought to be the cheapest in the country earlier this week after a rat gnawed through the cable used...